Friday, December 4, 2009

Smile For a Lifetime Patient Kathleen gets her braces off!

The photo above is the very first Smile for a Lifetime recipient to get her braces off. Her name is Kathleen Otterpohl, and she got her braces off on Tuesday. Check out the quote about Kathleen below from the national Smile for a Lifetime director, Aimee Spencer:

Kathleen's reference letters were fantastic and I believe that is why she stood out so much to the local board. She had one letter from her dental hygienist who knew her personally. She had another letter from a family that she babysat for. They talked about what a good person Kathleen was, and how she would often forgo hanging out with friends and school activities so she could work (babysit) for extra money to help her Mom out. Her mom is a school teacher and also drives the bus for extra money. Going by memory, Kathleen is/was very involved in church. The day the braces were removed, Kathleen's mom cried just about the whole time. She was so appreciative and said many times "God bless S4L". She thanked everyone, and told us what an answered prayer this experience was.

Congratulations on your new smile Kathleen!

-The Fergus Burris Team

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